Estadio Nya Ullevi, Gothenburgo, Suecia - recitales U2

Sigurdur Erlingsson* and Anders Bodare
Department of Soil and Rock Mechanics, Royal Institute
of Technology, S-100 44, Stockholm, Sweden

Live load induced vibrations in Ullevi Stadium — dynamic dynamic soil analysis

The paper describes a case history where during two rock music concerts the audience at the large outdoor stadium Nya Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden, started to jump in time to the music. Violent vibration levels occurred in the ground and a part of the audience observed considerable motion in the structure. Based on finite element analysis, it is concluded that the underlying soft clay of the structure was excited with the same frequency as the beat of the music. The whole clay deposit under the stadium started, therefore, to vibrate with great variations in amplitudes over the field due to the complex geometry. Through interaction with the basement of the structure as well as its deep foundation the waves were transmitted to the superstructure. Parts of the structure framework have natural frequencies close to those of the beat. Consequently they started to vibrate violently.